How to Effectively Communicate with Mio AuSable School District Officials (click to download)

Parents are often discouraged when they attempt to communicate with central office administrators and school board members only to be sent back to building-based officials in order to resolve a problem their child maybe experiencing in school. To prevent that frustration parents should become informed about the “chain of command "used at Mio AuSable Schools, or where to begin the communication sequence regarding their problem or concern. 

Most parent and community questions are easily and completely answered by communicating directly with the educator in charge of the class or program. Each situation should first be addressed at whatever level the initial action was taken with appeals moving on the next level on the chain of command. The easiest way to communicate is via a simple phone call or email.

On Matters Involving Instruction/Curriculum

1. Classroom Teacher
2. Building Principal
3. Curriculum Director
4. Superintendent
5. Board of Education

On Matters Involving Athletics

1. Coach
2. Athletic Director
3. Secondary Principal
4. Superintendent
5. Board of Education

On Matters Involving Student Discipline

1. Classroom Teacher
2. Building Principal
3. Superintendent
4. Board of Education

On Matters Involving Facilities/Grounds/Buildings

1. Building Principal
2. Maintenance & Facilities Technician
3. Superintendent
4. Board of Education

On Matters Involving Transportation

1. Bus Driver
2. Transportation Supervisor
3. Building Principal
4. Superintendent
5. Board of Education

On All Other Matters

1. Building Principal
2. Superintendent
3. Board of Education



Superintendent 989-826-2404
Secondary Administrator/Curriculum Director 989-826-2488 
Elementary Principal/Special Education Coordinator 989-826-2485


Elementary School 989-826-2430 
Middle School/High School 989-826-2481


Athletics 989-826-2472 
Maintenance & Facilities 989-826-2493 
Food Service 989-826-2407 
Special Education 989-826-2485 
Technology 989-826-2479 
Transportation 989-826-2401 

Fax Numbers:

Elementary School 989-826-2417 
Middle School/High School 989-826-2416