Strategic Planning

Dear Members of the Mio AuSable School Community.

The Board of Education along with the Administration is launching a new initiative to guide Mio AuSable School District through a three-to-five-year strategic plan.  The purpose of this initiative is to help us develop new goals and strategies in continuing to offer an excellent education for our students, while using scarce public education resources in the most effective and efficient way.

The strategic planning process is designed to produce approximately five goals to be accomplished over a three-to-five-year period.  The plan uses data, along with feedback of staff, students, and community members, to help identify priority goals that will help make the district an even better place for our students.

Thank you to all who attended our strategic planning workday session, much good work was accomplished including a new mission, vision and belief statements.  The strategic planning process is a journey and when we all work together great things can be accomplished to benefit our students!